Intensive Courses for Laparoscopic Surgery 2010-2011

Programul Cursurilor de Training in Chirurgia Laparoscopica pentru anul universitar 2010 – 2011

Laparoscopic Training Center Bucharest

Intensive Courses for Laparoscopic Surgery 2010-2011


1. October, 20-22 2010 – Getting Started in Laparoscopic Surgery – Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy and Other Fundamental Techniques

2. November, 17-19 2010 – Training Course in Laparoscopic Advanced Surgery for Gynecological Pathology

3. February, 16-18 2011 – Training Course in Laparoscopic Advanced Digestive Surgery: colon, rectum, parietal abdominal defects.

4. March, 16-18 2011 – Getting Started in Laparoscopic Surgery – Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy and Other Fundamental Techniques

5. April, 11-13 2011 – Training Course in Laparoscopic Advanced Digestive Surgery: Benign Pathology of Essogastric Junction, Bariatric Surgery

Courses take place every day between 9.00 am till 5.00 pm, and includes: surgical demonstrations, lectures, practical training on pigs and on the training simulator, and also the presentation and practical use of mechanical sutures devices and of the modern devices of electro surgery.

Admissions are to be made at the Foundation of Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Surgery, and the number of the participants is limited to a maximum of 18 persons/course; in order to guarantee the enrollment the participant must pay the participation fee the moment she/he applies for the course.