The event is organized by „University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila” in partnership with Romanian Society of Endoscopic Surgery and Romanian Society of Surgery
UEFISCDI projects no. 101/ 7.12.2012, PN-II-ID-WE-2012-4-146
Invited speaker: Prof. Dr. RJ HEALD
DIRECTORS OF THE COURSE: Conf. Dr. Florin Filipoiu, Prof. Dr. Mircea Beuran
Course Overview
This workshop is designed to review the information on the diagnosis and management of rectal cancer. The symposium provides an ideal mix of the traditional standard of care principles with cutting edge, forward-moving practices. It explores issues related to surgical technique, adjuvant and neo-adjuvant approach or stoma care. The workshop runs theory along with live transmissions from the operating room of the Emergency Clinical Hospital Bucharest – Floreasca. Professor RJ Heald will have some very interesting presentations along with very experienced Romanian faculty. The material presented will be exciting as well as readily assimilated and applied.
To whom the course addresses:
This program is designed to meet the continuing education needs of general surgery residents as well as general surgery consultants. It is also useful for researchers in general surgery and physicians during PhD studies in general surgery and human anatomy.
The following goals will be pursued:
- To make the TME concept known and demonstrated to young surgeons
- To demonstrate the current concept on rectal anatomy
- To take advantage of Prof RJ Heald’s experience in rectal cancer surgery
- To spread current standards in diagnosis and therapy for rectal cancer
- To provide surgeons (in training or already board certified) with the information and skills needed for successful treatment of rectal cancer.
- To confront surgeons with different controversial scenarios
- To provide concrete answers and guidelines for rectal cancer
- Develop skills to manage complicated issues
Romanian Organizing Committee is represented by:
Silviu Badoiu, Vasile Bintintan, Catalin Copescu, Bogdan Cristea, Bogdan Diaconescu, Lazar Fulger, Alexandru-Teodor Ispas, Florin Iordache, Ion Georgescu, Octavian Enciu, Mihaly Enyedi, George Lupu, Tudor Marinescu, Bogdan Martian, Sorin Paun, Dorin Popa, Viorel Scripcariu, Adrian Tulin, Claudiu Turculet, Bogdan Ursut.
The workshop will be credited with EMC points
Registration fee: 150 RON for specialists / 50 RON for residents
Contact person: Ass. Prof. Bogdan Diaconescu (
Course official language is English.
Registrations to
The participants will be accepted after receipt of payment on a first-come-first-served basis.
The payment will be made on:
Cod fiscal 14038110, BRD, Sucursala Decebal, cod IBAN RO42BRDE441SV04584314510,
with the specification that the payment is made for the Advanced Workshop on rectal Cancer.