Intensive Hands-on Workshops for 2021 (Bucharest, Ponderas Academic Hospital)

  1. 18-19 Februarie – Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy for Breast Cancer and Melanoma
  2. 24-26 Februarie – Getting Started in Laparoscopic Surgery – Fundamental Techniques
  3. 11-12 Martie – Difficult Airway Workshop – Bronchoscopy and Invasive Techniques in Anesthesia and Intensive Care
  4. 24-26 Martie – Minimally Invasive Techniques for Gynecological Pathology
  5. 7-9 Aprilie – Minimally Invasive Techniques for Colorectal Pathology
  6. 19-20 Aprilie – ICG usage in Gastrointestinal Surgery
  7. 10-11 Mai – Endoscopic Naso-Sinusal Surgery – Basic FESS
  8. 27-28 Mai – Robotic Surgery for Pelvic Pathology
  9. 3-4 Iunie – Breast Imaging – Fundamentals of Ultrasound, Mammography and Breast MRI. Interventional Ultrasound Techniques for Breast Tumor Localization and Biopsy
  10. 9-11 Iunie – Minimally Invasive Techniques for Advanced Gastric Surgery
  11. 13 – 15 Septembrie – Fundamental of Stapling Techniques in Laparoscopic and Open Surgery
  12. 27-28 Septembrie – VATS Lung resections
  13. 7-8 Octombrie – Minimally Invasive Techniques for Inguinal Hernias
  14. 20 Octombrie – precongres ARCE – Interventional Techniques in Digestive Endoscopy
  15. 21-23 Octombrie – Al XI lea Congres National ARCE – Al XII lea Simpozion National de Chirurgie Bariatrica – AL III lea Simpozion National de Chirurgie Robotica
  16. 3-5 Noiembrie – Minimally Invasive Techniques for Gynecological Pathology (ADVANCED)
  17. 15-16 Noiembrie – Interventional Endoscopic Ultrasound
  18. 24-26 Noiembrie – Minimally Invasive Techniques for Colorectal Pathology