Surgical Societies
- European Association for Endoscopic Surgery – European Association for Endoscopic Surgery – the official website of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery
- Italian Society for Endoscopic Surgery and New Technologies – Surgery and New Technologies – the official website of the Italian Society for Endoscopic Surgery and New Technologies
- Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons – Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons – the official website of the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons
- The Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons – The Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons – the official website of The Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons
- ATASS – ATASS – the official website of the Association of Telemedicine and Spatial Applications for Health (ATASS)
Surgical Resources
- – a very useful site with a detailed and complete presentation (accompanied by photos and diagrams) of laparoscopy techniques; recommended especially for beginners
- Laparoscopy Hospital – site that contains good quality demonstration films, free medical software, online laparoscopy treatment, reflex tester, articles about celioscopic novelties.
- – this e-medicine Internet Applications System is designed to be a web support for telemedicine and associated activities carried out in the frame of the Fundeni Telemedicine Pilot and the Excellence Center for Space Applications in Medicine and Human Biological Welfare
Revista Chirurgia – In Romanian scientific publishing, medicine has occupied a leading place, both by the large number of periodicals and by the quality of the published articles. This category also includes the periodical magazine “Surgery” of the Romanian Society of Surgery and the official magazine of ARCE. The magazine was founded in 1897, by Thoma Ionescu, Director of the Institute of Topographic Anatomy at the Faculty of Medicine in Bucharest and Professor of Surgery at Coltea Hospital, together with his collaborators and other surgeons from the country.
Surgical Endoscopy represents the surgical aspects of interventional endoscopy, ultrasound, and other techniques in the fields of gastroenterology, obstetrics, gynecology, and urology, as well as gastroenterologic, thoracic, traumatic, orthopedic, and pediatric surgery. It is a worldwide forum for the description and discussion of various aspects of interventional endoscopy and ultrasound as integral elements of surgical practice. Interventional endoscopy and ultrasound have permitted decisive advances in surgery.